United States Rescue was founded by former Special Operations Forces members, primarily veterans of the 75th Ranger Regiment’s various battalions. Founders, board members, consultants, and members having served within the Ranger Regiment are veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan), Operation Iraqi Freedom (Iraq), and Operation Gothic Serpent (Somalia). Board member and consultant positions are currently available and open for application to those members having extensive CSAR (Combat Search and Rescue) experience while serving in a verifiable armed conflict. This requirement exists in order to ensure a strong familiarity with high-risk search and rescue operations.
Primary Mission
United States Rescue, Inc. (USR) conducts veteran support for those veterans suffering from PTSD, depression, anxiety, or other combat-related symptoms. USR, Inc provides mentorship that assists veterans with service-to-civilian concerns, experience-based VA claims guidance, personal accountability, and more. Our flagship program, Return to Efficient Function Program, or REEF Program, is an ongoing effort to assist veterans suffering from varying levels of stress by providing a mentor that has struggled with similar situations. REEF Program Mentors serve very specific purposes and act in a way you would expect an AA/NA sponsor to perform, meaning that REEF Mentors are veterans who have walked in your shoes and can provide experience-based assistance while you navigate your challenges.
Alternate Mission
United States Rescue, Inc. (USR) conducts fast and efficient regional search and rescue missions to locate missing persons. Our volunteer search and rescue teams, led by former military special operations officers and non-commissioned officers, employ cutting-edge global tracking technologies while activating worldwide search and rescue networks to successfully locate missing individuals. Based in Las Vegas, Nevada, our nonprofit organization also offers tourist tracking during high-risk excursions and offers member benefit plans covering the costs associated with search and rescue missions anywhere, up to $100,000 per incident. The success of our rescue operations is powered by our worldwide partner network including satellite tracking companies, emergency response centers, GPS device providers, and law enforcement agencies, to whom we provide accurate location information in real time. Our ultimate aim is to save lives by expediting the start of land, sea, and air searches in order to locate missing persons quickly and get them home safely.
Contingency Mission
United States Rescue, Inc. (USR) aims to assist elderly disabled veterans via crowdfunding and/or grants to assist with housing issues. As senior citizens transfer from a productive working life to retirement, inflation costs can deplete their savings and lead them to experience financial hardships and eventually physical hardships. Situations resulting in these hardships may include a tree leaning into a wall, a walkway that has shifted, or cosmetic issues that should not be ignored such as missing, curled, loose roof shingles. If the veteran is in an HOA setting where they are getting fines, we would gather a group of experienced volunteers to help us bring the home up to compliance, or even assist elderly & disabled veterans that are unable to properly landscape their property. We also aim to critically review and evaluate veterans with transportation issues. If a financially struggling veteran has a mechanical issue that hinders travel to and from appointments or work, we can assist in replacing a battery, tires, oil changes, spark plugs, rebuilds, etc. via crowdfunding endeavors or grants, and obtain qualified volunteers who donate their time in turning a wrench to help the family with reliable transportation.
Emergency Mission
United States Rescue, Inc. (USR) is capable of soliciting the assistance of veterans from all branches to assist in disaster relief, various emergency support services, and more. For instance, United States Rescue members have assisted the community during domestic mass-casualty events such as the Las Vegas shooting. United States Rescue members support the community as a whole, with special emphasis on helping veterans in distress.
Our vision is to create a comfortable environment for veterans to share their concerns, seek and receive guidance, and learn to manage their combat-related symptoms and stressors. Additionally, our SAR vision is for every missing person to be found quickly and get home safely, in addition to becoming the country’s leading resource for quickly locating lost individuals through technical expertise and local-area search and rescue unification and standardization, while reducing or eliminating the delays associated with inherent missing person report filing timelines.
Some awards and certificates originate in The White House (Presidential Volunteer Service Award) in Washington, D.C., while other certificates of promotion, awards, and certificates, are produced with the authority of the United States Rescue, Inc. Board of Directors and Commanders. Furthermore, United States Rescue derives its official nonprofit status from the IRS, State of Nevada (and other incorporated states,) and utilizes this status to serve the community. Like other nonprofit businesses, USR does provide items for sale, services for fees, and other practices deemed authorized by federal statutes regarding the organization, structure, and advancement of nonprofit entities.
United States Rescue, Inc. is protected by various patents, copyrights, trademarks, and service marks. These federally enforced rights enable USR to safeguard our proprietary information, such as tactics, techniques, standard operating procedures, logos, and even our company name (inclusive to all branding and logos established by date of filing), which is protected by Trade and Service Marks under various serial numbers with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Library of Congress: Copyrights.
Functional and Contributive Partnerships
The following organizations, entities, offices, and/or companies have contributed to, partnered with, or otherwise have supported/continue to support United States Rescue, Inc., in order to assist us with the accomplishment of our mission. We recognize those supporting entities here and in relevant marketing campaigns.